Thursday, April 1, 2010

One of a Kind Moments for Events without One of a Kind Spending

Clients often ask how can you create something new for parties and events that have been going on for decades without spending a mint to do it?

Many times the magic happens in the moment and cannot be planned for.  Other times it can be planned and be able to be implemented as we imagined if not better.
The mitzvah (picture above) was in Florida.  There were plenty of New Yorkers in for it so it had the usual good energy that we're all used to. 

For this party Sammi and Pam (mitzvah honoree and mom) did not want to do a traditional candlelighting.  We got creative and had Sammi do a song in place of candles.  She rapped out all the names of her relatives and friends over "We Didn't Stop the Fire" by Billy Joel.  Now Sammi is a born performer so this matched perfectly with her personality. 

With just a few tweaks to be able to navigate the chorus and how to negotiate not being able to get every single person in the song, it was a HUGE success.  This part was planned for and succeeded better than we imagined.  The crowd went bananas and each person she sang in the song showed up on the video screen in time.

We had planned to do a candle blowout but the energy was so wildly delighted in the room I made a spontaneous call.  I invited everyone out to the floor with their candles.  See below:

Now in the moment as you can see this was an incredible, goose bump raising moment with every single person out on the floor holding up their candles.  And this is not something that has been before or since.
I've thought about it, but it takes just the right mix of enthusiasm, energy and connection to pull off.  This party had it and fortunately I was there to pick up on it. 

The Hora that followed was one of the most boisterous and festive I've experienced and you can see it on my website at - yes this was the video where mom and dad said it was the best night of my life.
These moments happen when there is a high level of enthusiasm and investment into what can be.  You can spend a little or a lot, but the best moments happen BECAUSE there was EXCITEMENT going into the imagining of the party.  THAT's what makes moments like this possible. 
There were actually numerous moments like that at this party.  Sammi was lifted lying back prone in our dancers arms and lifted at 9 feet high around the room during a circle of appreciation.  Instead of it being schmaltzy it felt (no pun intended) uplifting and magical.  Mom actually started to well up in tears at the image of her child being sweetly raised up as if on a clowd, with the elegance of a Cirque du Soliel artist. 

With the right group, the right master of ceremonies capitalizing on moments and the right energy in the room - one of a kind moments to savor forever can happen and whether your budget is a million dollars or a thousand, these kind of memories are priceless.

Photos curtesy of Owen Photography

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