Monday, April 12, 2010

Magic Happens when Preparation meets Inspiration

We get moments in mitzvah parties when everything is happening in sync and the energy is flourishing. And that's GREAT. But everything has to keep moving in order to keep the party fresh.

Sometimes we look to what's happening in the moment to inspire us how to take the next movement. At Preston and Maxwell's party this last Saturday, we were surprised to find most if not all the kids dancing early on. We were expecting more of a skills and games party.

Maxwell himself suggested to me in a phone call that they "needed more games" so I was preparing for that.

However, as you can see in the above video, which was very early on in the party, everyone was rocking. This was 15 minutes into the set. We hadn't really had Preston or Maxwell up there and so I brought them up.

I turned to Preston and said give me a dance move. He said, "I don't have anything." I said anything at all. Any movement at all. He said I got nothing. So in a moment of inspriation I went Kreskin meets Anthony Robbins and it surprised everyone not the least me. That's how true magic happens. It takes a risk to be willing to fail and recover...but when it works it creates an explosion of energy that you can't fake.

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