Monday, August 27, 2007

Do you need an MC at Events - Part 4

The MC starts the positive vibe right off the bat with the bridal party. He goes to them, meets them and has some laughs, loosens them up, and infuses them with the energy to have fun, and be lively. It’s a great moment pre-entrance. It’s like rallying the team for the big game. I’ve personally had bridal parties laughing and whooping and enjoying themselves so much that the party is set in motion right then and there. The guests in the ballroom can hear them and the buzz of the “life” of the party has already begun. This is no easy task with a bunch of folks in mourning, but to remove peoples’ nervousness and change it to excitement is a great ability. Brides and grooms that are hiring the DJ who say we don’t need an MC would miss this incredible opportunity. And should anything unfortunate precede their affair, they would never have the capacity to do this pre-party rally-jump-start.

Secondly without an MC it is virtually impossible to get the same level of excitement and emotion from the crowd during an entrance. The one man DJ is of course familiar with entrances and knows how to do them, but the ‘top’ MC makes it an EXPERIENCE to enjoy and savor. He enhances the entrance with live commentary perfect to the moment. The DJ is often times tasked with playing 3 to 9 pieces of music at the exact cue points for each entrance, he cannot be focused on being “LIVE” with the entrances as they are happening. The MC builds and connects with the crowd escalating to the crescendo of Mr and Mrs. and the guests emotions rise with him. Imagine the quality of the pictures and video as well. That’s a moment in time meant to relish forever.

The first dance one would think is a simple enough job to do, and it is. But how is it set up? The MC makes sure their family; friends and guests surround them with support and love. If it is elected he makes the perfect transition to bring them on the floor with them. If not he finds a way to create the perfect segue to the next section - the crowd dancing. This can be the difference in having a sporadic indifferent dance floor and a crowd that WANTS and NEEDS to be out there. Without an MC perfect segues are virtually impossible. It is in fact the perfect segues that makes the ‘top’ MC the Master of Ceremonies and indispensable for important events. Couples without an MC cannot set this up for themselves and direct folks in this way. Single DJs who are also talking cannot create perfect in the moment segues, it’s just not possible for them to concentrate that kind of effort and take care of their own musical cuing and segues.

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