Thursday, August 5, 2010

Birthday Parties and Having Fun at your Kids

I recently celebrated my own daughter's 4 year birthday party. Our summer seems to be a non-stop carnival of one birthday party after another.  I appreciate even more our clients process when you begin doing that annual party.

My niece's face painting results

Each year since my daughter was 1 year old, I wanted to have activities for adults to enjoy as well.  This year it was centered around lawn throwing games like ladder ball, and bean bag tosses. The adults get into it quite a bit. And as you can see below the little ones like to get in on the action.

Last year we had bocci out but with little kids it gets tough.  This year out in the field behind our place I set up a badmitten net and while it was slow for people to warm up by the later part of the party it was getting a bit of play.

And you can never go wrong with bubbles for kid's parties.  We played a game last year where the adults blew the bubbles and kids would see how many bubbles they could catch on their wands.  Bouncy houses aside that was a fun game.

This year I brought in one of my airbrush tattoo artist and face painters and she was the big hit of this birthday party.  So much so that at least four parents asked me about getting her for their party.  Here you can see the little ones waiting patiently and watching magic take place.

It's quite possible to have a really lovely afternoon for 40 to 60 people for under a grand including great food and an awesome cake for under a thousand dollars.

This year the cake was in the theme of the INCREDIBLES, one of her favorite movies.

I have to say I happen to love that movie myself.  For tips on how to make a really fun, lively party for adults and kids at your next birthday party give me a call.  201 457-5769.  Enjoy the rest of your summer.

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