Monday, June 21, 2010

REVIEW: Ultimate Games Master Dance Parties - Redefining the Possibilities for Kid's Parties

This letter just came in from our 5-22-10 client.


We just received the photos of Jack’s Bar Mitzvah from 5/22 and are all remembering how wonderful it was! Lucky Strike was a great place for a party, but you made it all truly special. In each photo, the children and adults are having a blast. Smiles everywhere! The music was great, your motivators were fun and lovely, and you were just wonderful! There was terrific energy in the room. My son’s friends are still thanking us for the great party.

We want to thank you for helping us plan and pull off a terrific Bar Mitzvah. Our 10 year old daughter, Katie says that she wants the exact same party and definitely wants you to be her DJ.
Thanks again for all your help

Matthew and Laura Gilbert's Party 6-19-10

Toby Rappaport, new sales director of Congregation Beth Elohim, formerly of BAM on last Saturday night's party, "I've never seen this many kids dancing at a mitzvah before."  This was at the very end of the night...see video:

That was Toby's first time seeing one of our parties. But he caught the essence of LSNY. That something extra that consistently creates the most fun for kids and adults.

Kid's Dance Parties tend to have a crazy unpredictability to them.  Early in the year parties are much easier to direct into great feeling parties.  Later in the year once kids have been to one every weekend, parties have the capacity to be out of control, and frantic. And it makes sense kids have been to so many parties they "know" the routine. 

That's where the Ultimate Games Master Parties offers a huge advantage. Because The UGM Dance Parties offers so most versatility, even kids who have been to 5 or 6 of our parties will always see something new that they haven't seen before, and have an opportunity to participate in a new skill or twist.  Because there are organized aspects to the party, the dance party never gets old or boring.  Even the best dance parties with raccous energy cannot go 3 hours straight.  They always need something to break them up.  The key is how do you break them up without losing interest or energy?  That's the key that we've learned over 19 years and what the UGM Dance Parties are all about.

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