Monday, September 13, 2010

A Mitzvah GOLD Discovery & Congratulations

Congratulations to the Thaler and Mindel families for having incredible mitzvahs on 9-11-10.

Izzy's party was at Dyker Beach Golf Course in Brooklyn, NY, a place I used to frequent for some links time. They've put quite a bit of investment into the space and created a beautiful settting for a party.

Dena and Alan must have a very good connection to the weather gods because you cannot get a better day to have an outdoor cocktail party. And inside the party was hot the whole way.

"You delivered on everything you said you would," appreciative words from Alan Mindel after the party. And those are the magic words for me.  We promise a lot, and we always want to deliver more than that.

The Mindels live in Windsor Terrace about 100 feet away from where I used to reside before we had our kids, and right from the start they felt like family to me.  I've said this a lot because it's how I feel, but Izzy has been one of my favorite young ladies I've had at a party.  She's always smiling, present, and enjoying herself.  I hear from mom and dad at home it's not always this way, and of course it isn't at home, but at the numerous parties we've seen her presence has always been a welcomed joy for my team.  So kudos to mom and dad that the struggle to raise a great kid is working!

At the CV Rich Mansion in White Plains, Yarnell and our all star crew celebrated with Justin Thaler, a kid who could easily be the party planner for your kid's mitzvah. Justin has taken notes and is so much aware of what makes great parties, I'm going to have him co-author my book on mitzvahs.  Yarnell and I were instantly charmed by his knowledge and enthusiasm for his event.  And it translated into a great party!

We're waiting on video but by all accounts it was a thrill ride a minute, literally, as we had a VIRTUAL REALITY Roller Coaster there for the summer beach theme. And with the chairs dancing to the coaster moves it was like just another adding to the festivities.

Not sure according to Yarnell who had more fun Eli, Justin's brother or mom and dad - Diane and Craig who were seen whooping it up on the floor.

Yarnell whose MC prowess is getting to be legendary at this point, commented that one of the tools we discovered and apply with LSNY is absolutely the GOLDEN TICKET for parties. Both Yarnell and I have worked with many companies in our history and no one else uses this simple but incredibly powerful program to virtually GUARANTEE that the kids at a party not just DANCE but GIVE EVERYTHING THEY HAVE on the dance floor.

Our clients definitely know it and have seen it work like gangbusters. But it wasn't til I heard Yarnell mention again today that I realized it's another compelling difference we do here at LSNY to make sure your party is absolutely another level above and the best it can possibly be.

Congratulations again to our happy families and we look forward to the next great adventure. And if you want to know more about our discovery give me a call, better yet book us and we'll make it happen!

Make it a GREAT day!

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