Friday, May 28, 2010

A Great way to make your Ceremony UNFORGETTABLE!

People are so busy planning their weddings with the multitude of various items to consider, there comes a point where the mind gets over-saturated and wants to let go and just get there. Typically you can get through the reception and party part of the wedding, because most people have a good idea of what they want to have and have happen, and plan all that out. 

But one place that typically gets left behind in the thought process is the the ceremony itself. We may say we want an elegant ceremony.  Maybe we want a relaxed, fun one.  Maybe a traditional, religious one.
but often this decision is left to the officiant and leader of the facility you are getting married. 

We put ourselves in their hands, because for most of us we are simply exhausted by the planning and we often imagine this part is not up to us. We're giving over here to this large moment that is often surreal and overwhelming. So this is the one place that typically does not get the most personal touches, and even if there are personal touches in it, they are often not as well received as could possibly be because of nerves and lack of great direction.

Here's the thing, and I've said this before. Your guests have come there for you. To see you. To
support you. To share in one of the great moments of your life. Most of them have known you for a while, some your whole life. They've seen your ups and downs, they know your foibles, your fears, your goals, your dreams. They know your history, your tragedies, your triumphs and now they are rooting for you. They want to see this happy ending-new beginning flourish. But even more so they want to experience it with you.

But far too often (and you know this if you've been to a few weddings) your family and special guests are fairly removed from the full experience. Why? Well if you're sitting in the 10th row or farther back you can't see that well. And most usually it's because the bride and groom are facing away from you and you're watching the back of them.You cannot see them or their expressions.

What happens at most weddings is the officiant is the focal point of the proceedings.He/she is the one facing the guests. Guests get to see them for the whole ceremony. This can be great sometimes if the officiant is stunningly amazing, but that is rare. But even so I don't know them. I know the bride and groom. And I wanted to see the bride and groom and their expressions.They are why I'm there. I want to feel their experience and share it.

So here's two ways to create an unbelievably UNFORGETTABLE wedding CEREMONY:  

1 - Have the bride and groom face out to the guests as the officiant speaks. Not completely out but turned so that they can see each other, but toward the guests as opposed to toward the officiant. This way we

2 - Have two videographers there with big screens so that the guests can see them on the screen.
can participate in the nuances and emotions of the moment.  
The first way costs nothing. The second way is a bit of an investment.
The great thing about this is it galvanizes the experience for everyone and brings you closer to them. If you have any specialty things planned like speaking vows or sharing some original content it simply brings everyone right into your life and experience.

Now I hear some of you already thinking I'm way to nervous to do this. Yes, it's a very heightened time, but remember who is there with you. Everyone who you care about and cares about you either directly or now

If you would like more information on how you can put this kind of ceremony together and more tips and ways to make your ceremony UNFORGETTABLE please contact me. Michael Sage Schindler - 917 204-9690 or
by association with your mate. You will be giving them something of such rare value that you will be solidifying and connecting with your community in a way that binds you to this moment forever.

Those who were at my wedding had this experience as did I and my wife. And while it was certainly unorthodox, it offered up some very funny, heartfelt, touching and deeply meaningful moments to everyone. An experience that many of who were there were talking about more than 4 years later.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Lucky Strike is a cool place to have a party

Saturday night we were celebrating Jack Chaiken's mitzvah on 42nd Street and the West Side Highway at Lucky Strike Lanes.  At first when I came to see the space I was concerned about the sound and if we could have a good dance party there. 

The space is wonderful and it's so inviting for a party.  There are 4 lanes in the Lounge and a pool table with a bar.  They also have a giant screen at the end of the alley and a few plasmas throughout the room.  My concern was that it would be TOO inviting as a lounge and game party to get a higher energy party going.  I didn't need to be concerned as you can see here -

Amy Arcara, the director of Event Sales, was great help to us in getting everything set and ready to go. And Jack's friends were GREAT.  They came in with eyes wide open ready to take on whatever was put in front of them.  Jack's mom, Lisa made a great choice.  Jack made his own video montage which was as good as most videographer's work, and that was shown on the big screen. At one point we had on the Mets and Yankee's on the big and small screens, along with the Celtics-Magic game with the dance floor packed and dancing.  What more could you ask for?

Kudos to Jack, Jack's friends and family for a great night.

Pieces of Wisdom from this party:  Try not to pre-judge the potential pitfalls of a place or party.  Make assessments to understand what you may encounter.  Be prepared for that potential, but guide it where you want it to go.  Also, be flexible and notice when people are enjoying themselves.  Trust that you don't be too quick to have to fit everything into a schedule.  This is the breath that allows the party to flourish.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Review: Kramer Mitzvah at Mountain Ridge Country Club

Michael, what can I really say? Like you said, I think each party kept getting better...this one I'm not sure we could even top!!
Unless you were there it is difficult to explain the energy you created....I think you could actually feel the room vibrating!!

You did a phenomenal job, couldn't have gone any smoother. Chelsea had the best night ever and watching her with her friends doing what kids should do, was amazing. You are very special to Garret and me and we will always remember each and every event with nothing but a smile on our face.

Thanks again....hope to see you soon, wishing you the best always


p.s...I know I owe you big thanks for the extra really are a mensch!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Preparation, Scheduling, Direction put together makes Wild Successes

Each party is a celebration and an education. For our guests and crew during the party it is pure celebration. We focus directly on the moment to moment of what is happening, and roll with and engage with that. When you have a committed crew of professionals you can get great results.

But when you get a committed crew of Artists who CARE about making a definite difference to the people they are with - you get MAGIC. It's sounds simple and maybe obvious, but the achievement of it takes sometimes decades to groove. You may get a great dancer but someone who cannot share themselves with people, and that changes the chemistry and the overall effect.

Our mission has always been to provide expertise with technical excellence balanced with grounded and genuinely charismatic performers who are overflowing with energy and creativity. The formula is incredibly powerful and unique in the overall effect: It stays with you well after the party.

Aside from the fantastic feedback, calls and letters, WE feel the difference ourselves, and once I felt a few decades ago I can't settle for less.

That's why we've posted our own performers letters of what it feels like to entertain with our company.

Now I understand that this is business and everything presented is charged with promoting our business, but I hope that our clients, potential clients and just passers by can see through the promotional aspect and get our absolute commitment and thrill to be doing what we do and how that creates something very special and exceptional for our clients. This is what drives me to get up every day and it's contagious in our company.

May you have long lasting joy as often as possible.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Review: Casey Danoff Mitzvah - A Hall of Fame Letter

Dear Michael:

BRAVO! Encore! We want to thank you and your team for an absolutely fabulous, wonderful, magical, and memorable celebration. You and your team are true professionals and you run a fantastic party! Casey had the time of her life (as if you couldn’t tell from the smile on her face) and her friends and our guests continue to rave about the awesome dancers, the games, and the energy in the room.

When we decided to try “something new” for our younger daughter’s Bat Mitzvah we spoke to our party planner, Martha Baum, and she said “I have the perfect guy for you”. We wanted a “class act” that didn’t embarrass us with yelling or screaming or schmaltzy lounge lizard behavior. We knew from the first meeting we had with you that you were relatable, real and sincere. You promised us and our guests a good time that felt honest. We read the reviews on your website and we signed on.

Through every pre-party meeting we had with you, you reassured us that you “got us” and that we had made the right decision in selecting Lightning Shakes New York. When we decided to enhance our simcha by adding dance stages and having a special and unique “entrance” choreographed for Casey, you set everything in motion, coordinated and attended the rehearsal, and introduced us to two of your superstars (Brian and Rebecca) who made Casey completely comfortable with a fun, lively and memorable routine.

The day of the party was a validation of Martha’s recommendation to us – simply put, the celebration was awesome! The energy and warmth in the room was felt by all and we are still fielding congratulatory calls and compliments from our friends and family. Several of our out-of-town guests tell us that they have never seen a party where everyone was having such a good time. We credit that in large part to you and your crew who ably got everyone involved without being pushy, cheap or embarrassing. You drew people in and they were only too ready to join us in celebrating Casey’s big day.

We told you that we wish we had one more kid so we could do it all again , but alas, Casey is our baby so no more Bat Mitzvah celebrations for us – but if you do weddings, maybe we can talk….

We would be happy to serve as a reference for you any time, and we will certainly recommend you to all of our Schechter friends, many of whom will be planning bar and bat mitzvahs in the coming years.

With sincere thanks for a job well done!

Madelyn and Richard Danoff (and Casey, too!)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Review: Event Planner Extroadinaire Martha Baum

"I have to tell you that I was very impressed with how you and your dancers managed the cocktail hour with the children. You were all so engaged and involved with them and the energy was palpable! I don't always pay attention to what is happening on the dance floor, but I did so yesterday.

You did a great job and really had a sense of who the Danoff's were and what they were looking for! I was very pleased with the job that LSNY did!"

This is high praise coming from Martha Baum of Martha Baum Events who has been designing and planning magnificient special events for a long time.  She's one of the a number of event planners that I have worked with who pours her heart into first figuring out what is going to work for this specific client, then designing it.  She's dedicated to getting it right.


The two pictures above and below were of a bar mitzvah event implementing the theme Field of Dreams.  In addition to these rooms Martha had a wheat field right at the entrance of the club that guests had to walk through to get to the party.  It was astonishing and probably will never be forgotten by any of the party that night.  We were fortunate enough to do the lighting and entertainment for this event.

A few years before Martha completely transformed the same room above into a tropical rainforest with vines hanging down and and both of those pictures are etched into my mind.  Those two events alone were enough to propel Martha to the top of my list of event planners I have been throughly impressed with, and I've worked in some good company.

Our last party with Martha was just as impressive.  The IBM Conference Center is a challenge during the day.  It's so bright as part of the room is completely open and glass, which lets in tons of light.  You remember the above picture from the last post.  Martha worked with the room creating spring pastels with lots of trees and greenery on the tables and surrounding.  This is one room that definitely benefitted from Martha's touch. 

If you are looking for someone special to do something to captivate your guests Martha is a great choice. 

Monday, May 3, 2010

Casey's Performance Wows the Crowd - Martha Baum makes it look Spectacular

Hi All. As I said a few weeks back - CHOREOGRAPHY is Back.  And I wanted to give you the before and after so here it is.  In the beginning you just learn and have fun. Then there's the day itself.

Everyone steps it up and hits it.  The ovation after this performance was over was thunderous.  It set the tone for the afternoon. Mom's comment, . We had a wonderful time working with you guys - it really was a spectacular party. Casey's dance was such a highlight - I think it blew everyone away."

We have a lot more video of this party and will be posting later.

Martha Baum of Martha Baum events did a spectacular job dressing the IBM Palisades Center up for an afternoon party.  And with blinding sunshine this event felt more like a Saturday night party than a Sunday afternoon.
What stood out for us at this party is how everyone from 2 years old to grandparents celebrating their 50th anniversary all had a great time.  This is what it's all about.