Monday, May 12, 2008

Party Central 2008 - The Highlights for January through April

So far 2008 has been the year of the kid's party.

The IBM Conference Center in Palisades NY set the stage for the first mitzvah of the year. Jeremy Chaitin’s mitzvah rocked in 2008. Jennifer and Stu set a cool ski-disco setting bathed in purple and blues. This was a mixed event resort-like party while the adults wined and dined with dual bars on the dance floor, and the kids partied it up big. This is an up and coming spot for mitzvahs.

Meirav Weintraub daughter of Rabbi Simkha Weintraub's daughter had an awesome kid’s only party at Kane Street Synagogue in Brooklyn. We turned the room into a cool VIP lounge. See the blue room below.

Gabi Weintraub, Meirav’s cousin and son of Rabbi Sam Weintraub of Kane Street Synagogue converted the gym of the Brooklyn Heights Montessori School to a rock club and another hip kid’s party took flight.
Lana Cohen had to be one of the sweetest and nicest kids ever on a gorgeous day at the Prospect Park Picnic House again in Brooklyn. This was our second mitzvah with Linda Aponte/Jason Cohen and the family has a huge place in our hearts.
A party that rocked 2008 to its knees was David Ginsberg’s mitzvah party at Water Street Restaurant in Brooklyn. The party in the underwater lounge kicked sold out rave. The kids barely stopped dancing and jumping long enough to grab some buffet food and return. Like a Guinness Book of World Records for most sweat in any 4 hours by kids under 15. One of the hippest joints to have a party in Brooklyn or Manhattan. Call Ry at Water Street and tell him we sent you.
Looking forward to many more parties and highlights with each of you. Enjoy the Spring! MS

The Return of the Ultimate Games Master

With the arrival of spring there is always a few things to look
forward to. Opening day at the baseball stadiums, Tiger Woods
at the Masters and the US Open, The Botanical Gardens in full bloom, those of us with allergies also in full bloom.

And of course a sense of renewal. It’s also a time for reinvention.

All our former clients and their guests have seen many of the skills and games we do with the kids during the cocktail hour of LSNY events. Few know the origin of these skills and games.
While LSNY was an up and coming company, I worked for numerous other entertainment companies in many different capacities: Dancer, MC, improvisational comic, counselor and skills and games person.

In the early days it was as a dancer and games master where I really thrived and excelled the crowds, particularly kids. Over a 4 year period that’s what I became best known for the skills and games. There were occasions at events where various bands would ask me to please take a break because too many kids were engrossed and captivated with what we were playing.

Many of those same skills and games are still part of the LSNY experience today. Actually today we have a little over 50 of the most compelling interactive skills and games ever to grace a party. And many of them can only be found through LSNY.

This spring I’ve begun to offer my the ULTIMATE GAMES MASTER as a independently from LSNY on the open dates that we have. A few planners and companies have jumped on the wagon and a whole new clientele with completely different styles of parties are being thrilled by Maestro Michael Sage.

So out of the past comes a reinvention for the future. The Ultimate Games Master (UGM) returns. If you have friends or family having a kid's party of any kind, whether they have booked their entertainment or not, Maestro Michael Sage, the UGM would be an incredible addition to their event. It’s an amazing amount of entertainment and fun from just one person. Any questions give us a call. 201 475-5769